Hi Plant Friend! Let me just start by saying thank you so much for downloading this template! I really hope it will be as useful to you as it has been for me to become a better green thumb 🌱

Here’s the real deal, the Plant Agenda:

Plant Agenda

First of all, you should open it and duplicate the template to save it in your Notion space. Once this is done, the template is all yours.


Here, you can learn what kind of views you can check your entries in.


Here, you can learn about the filters that you can apply to your entries, to have a clearer look on them.

Plant page

Here, you can learn how to use the main feature of the Plant Agenda, the plant page that will be the basis of all your entries.

Using this template should help you provide good care to your plants because it allows you to easily check on when you’ve last watered or cared for them. As you might know, recurrent reminders don’t really work with plants, and you need to be aware of how and when you’re caring for them. This is the perfect tool for you to become a great plant owner!

If you have any doubts regarding how to use this template don’t hesitate to shoot me a message on Twitter. You can click here to find me!

Once again, thanks a lot for downloading this template, it’s so great that you want to become a better plant person and I cheer you up all the way! Stay green 🌱
